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Terms & Conditions - For Retailers & Services

Terms & Conditions - For Retailers & Service Providers (person or Sanstha’s)

* Legal action will be taken against you if there is any miss use / misbehavior against the company.
  1. The Co. will give you the customers through distributer & C.R.
  2. The Co. member shall not have any right in addition to paying & receiving, servicing & taking many.
  3. The member of the company will buy the goods from you the 2 % of service charges you take or the service charges you take you will have to pay the co, as commission.
  4. On behalf of the company only & only the distributor will make you financially commissioned.
    • The Rt to collect commission is given to the distributors only.
    • The co. will be responsible only with the distributors of the company’s own financial transmition with the distributors.
  5. Co. will not have any responsibility for the cost at the goods you have sold or the reimbursement of the services you have received from the customers.
  6. You have full control of whether you want to lend a loan, credit to the members.
  7. Member’s have complete freedom to buy goods, what which & when buy the goods.
  8. The co. has a freedom to choose which service you would like to receive or which service you do not want.
  9. In addition to the amount of money you are taking as the rule / service of goods you will not have any relationship with any comp. dealing with the company’s merchandise.
  10. The value at the goods that you sell or they value at the service you offer will not be making than market share.
  11. The company. Member has the right to bargain with you.
  12. You have Rt to decide whether to get the minimum amount of merchandise required for a members.
  13. You have the right to decide whether to service provide or not.
  14. In case of cancellation of this contract for any reason the company will not pay any benefit / loss to you
  15. In case of dispute with distributor & C. R., It may be terminated/ solved by the quorum or administration.
  16. You will be responsible for the compensation given to the member who is responsible for the damage to the goods offered / sold to the members.
  17. Once the registration fee is made in registration. However, if registration is cancelled then the registration fee will have to be paid to new registration.
  18. The Co, shall have the rt to remove the term condition. conditions of the dispute or to create new one, or amendment. The right to cancel the term condition ,& conditions of the term shall remain solely to the co.