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Terms & Conditions - For Distributor

Terms & Conditions - For Distributors

  • Your appointment is made for 1 year on commission basis The Company does not return the Registration fee charged by you.

  • For the next year, you will have to fill in the renewal fee to maintain the distributorship. This fee is 20% of the amount of commission which will be after 12th month of your appointment. This fee will be deducted from the income of your 12th months

  • For the Companies business growth, you will have right to appoint up representatives of the company according to the terms & conditions of the company.

  • For the company growth, you will have right to enter in to contract with a retailer, seller, serving agent, on behalf at the company

  • 50% ( -10% commission deduct for your consultant distributor commission) commission of the commission paid by the company to the service providers seller, shopkeeper, agent & the company will be given to you after the monthly calculation .
    • A) 50% of the commission you get is allocated equally in all the representative working as representative at the company in your work area
    • B) All employees working in your field of work will be responsible for commission within 48 hr of receiving commission from them.

  • It’s must to enter into an extension of 60 days from the date of your appointment as the companies extension in the work area such as appointed representatives of the nomination committee in the ward in every village
    • (A) You will get an additional 30 days only after 50% of the work is due to some inevitable season.
    • (B) The extension at the company’s work should be extended in the remaining time, otherwise your appointment will canceled.
    • (C) For any reason, your appointment will be canceled at the same time, if the person act illegal affair, harassing the interest of the financial mismanagement with company.
    • (D) If you cancel your appointment for any reason, please take a special note that you will not get any remuneration or loss from the company.

  • You will be responsible for the company’s expansion of the company in your work area through the use of all representative.

  • The PIN & business Balance will be sent to you from the company within 24 hr on the amount of the amount deposited only after the company has received the sum decided by the company, for the PIN & Business Balance.

  • You will get 50% at the amount of registration fee for representative.

  • If you have a problem with the Company’s work, then if you have any queries, first of all, consult your consultant, distributor with a consultation by contacting the company. only if your question b not exempt.

  • If you went to sell your business, transfer, you will have to give it to the notice to the company before 60 days in advance.

  • The company’s pre approval & company. term& conditions can be traded on or transfer the business.

  • No other financial transaction can be done on behalf of the company/ in the company name other than the commission for the job of the company such as advertisement ( shopkeeper, agent, service provider, sanstha etc)
    • (A) The company will not responsible for any other financial transaction you make by violating the company’s terms & conditions.
    • (B) P/s note that, If you are financially harmed by the than financial malpractice of your company, them it is necessary that you have to pay with the fine & the interest.

  • If you have a complaint against 50% of the CR & Retailers & services providers in your work area, you will be notified twice by a notice at one month, then your appointment will be canceled immediately without giving any prior notice it there is a complaint against you.

  • In your work area, you will be responsible for working together with the help at all C.R.

  • You will deducted her the commission of the outstanding charges while transferring the commission

  • The company will continue to have the full right to create a new order, to cancel, to remove the Rules & conditions.

  • In case of any dispute arising out of the company, the accuse should resolve the dispute or resolve appoint arbitrator.

  • Legal action will be taken against you if there is any missuse / misbehavior against the company.