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Terms & Conditions - For Consulting Distributor

Terms & Conditions - For Consulting Distributor

* Legal action will be taken against you if there is any miss use / misbehavior against the company.
  1. Your appointment is made for 1 year on commission basis The Company does not return the Registration fee charged by you.
  2. You will have to pay a renewal fee to continue your distributorship for the next yr. That renewal fees will be 10% of income earned from the co by the 12th month at the year from your appointment. This renewal fee of will be deducted from you Commission.
  3. The Nature at your work:- helping people who have been appointed as a direct distributors, guide them to business, working as an intermediately between company & direst distributor.
  4. Every distributor you have connected to the distributor direct company, you will receive 10% at income generated as commission for its distributor s work areas as commission.
  5. You will be deducted from the commission of the outstanding back charges while transferring the commission.
  6. You can only connect a distributor to the term of the company’s terms & conditions, No other transaction can be done with the name at the co. There is no liability for any other transaction on the company.
  7. Your appointment will be canceled immediately if any kind of abuse, financial mismanagement, inability to work, inhibits the company’s interest.
  8. If you cancel your appointment for any reason, please note that you will not get any compensation or loss from the company.
  9. The company shall continue to have the sole tight to determine the company’s term, conditions, rules, regulation
  10. If there is any dispute with the co, then it can be terminated through an arbitrator.